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Hypnosis and Guided Imagery: Two Tools to Support Your Brain Health

Everything you need to know about these complementary therapies.

The Tailored Brain Health team is psyched (get it?) to add our prevention program, Blueprint, to our menu of services. Blueprint offers several new services to promote ongoing brain health, among which are two services we want to explain a little more: hypnosis and guided imagery. While these two practices are not clinical psychotherapy, they both have the potential to provide major health benefits and protect brain health. While both practices involve the use of relaxation techniques to induce a state of deep focus and concentration, they differ in their goals and in the techniques one might encounter during a typical session We hope that after reading this month’s blog, you’ll be just as excited about these complementary therapies as we are!

Hypnosis and guided imagery as complementary therapies or health practices can provide a range of benefits for brain health, from changing negative thought patterns, to pain management, and even improvements in overall well-being through promotion of relaxation, reduced stress, and enhanced cognitive function. If you’ve been with us for a while now, you’ll know that managing stress is one of the key pillars to maintaining brain health in the short and long term. For this reason and so many others, these practices can be valuable brain health tools when added to your personal blueprint for brain health.

What is Hypnosis?

A hypnotic state is one in which the mind becomes more suggestible and can be induced by a hypnotist or self-hypnosis techniques. In this state, the subconscious mind is more open to suggestion, making it a powerful tool for changing habits and behaviors. Several studies have proven that hypnosis is effective in reducing stress, anxiety, improving sleep, and enhancing overall well-being when used in conjunction with other therapies. Hypnosis can be an effective tool for changing habits and behaviors by accessing the subconscious mind and reprogramming negative thought patterns. Through suggestions and imagery, hypnosis can help individuals overcome phobias, manage cravings, improve self-confidence, and even aid in weight loss or smoking cessation. By tapping into the power of the mind, hypnosis can facilitate lasting change and support brain health.

Is there any evidence to support the use of hypnosis for health promotion?

Scientific research has shown that hypnosis can be an effective tool for various purposes. Studies have demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing chronic pain, alleviating symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, and even aiding in the treatment of depression and anxiety. Furthermore, brain imaging studies have revealed that hypnosis can lead to changes in brain activity, particularly in regions associated with attention, perception, and self-awareness. These findings provide scientific support for the use of hypnosis as a valuable tool in supporting brain health. For example, a study published in the Journal of Pain found that hypnosis significantly reduced pain intensity and fatigue in individuals with fibromyalgia. Another study conducted at Stanford University showed that hypnosis was effective in reducing anxiety and improving quality of life in cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy. These studies, along with many others, highlight the potential of hypnosis as a scientifically-supported therapy for promoting brain health and overall well-being.

How does Hypnosis work?

The process of inducing a hypnotic state typically involves deep relaxation techniques, such as focused breathing and progressive muscle relaxation. By guiding the individual into a state of heightened focus and concentration, the subconscious mind becomes more receptive to suggestions and imagery. Through this process, the individual can access their inner resources and make positive changes to thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, ultimately supporting their brain health and overall well-being.


What is Guided Imagery?

Guided imagery, also known as visualization, involves the use of mental imagery to evoke a specific emotional response or state of being. This technique can be used to create positive mental images, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. Guided imagery has been found to be effective in improving cognitive function, reducing pain, and enhancing athletic performance.

What does the evidence show on Guided Imagery?

Research has shown that guided imagery can have a positive impact on various aspects of health and well-being. Studies have found that it can reduce anxiety and stress levels, improve sleep quality, enhance immune function, and even aid in pain management. By harnessing the power of the mind and using vivid mental imagery, guided imagery can be a valuable tool for promoting overall health and wellness. For instance, a study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research found that guided imagery reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety in patients with cancer. Another study conducted at the University of California showed that guided imagery improved sleep quality and reduced insomnia in individuals with sleep disorders. These findings highlight the potential of guided imagery as a powerful technique for promoting mental and physical well-being.

How does Guided Imagery work?

One of the mechanisms behind the effectiveness of guided imagery is its ability to activate the brain's limbic system, which is involved in emotional regulation and memory. When engaging in guided imagery, the brain creates a sensory-rich experience that can trigger positive emotions and evoke a relaxation response. This can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and promote a sense of calm and well-being. Additionally, guided imagery can also stimulate the release of endorphins, which are natural pain-relieving chemicals in the body, further contributing to its effectiveness in promoting health and wellness.

Guided imagery and mindfulness practices are closely connected in their focus on directing attention and cultivating awareness. Both techniques involve engaging the mind in a deliberate and intentional way to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. While guided imagery utilizes vivid mental imagery, mindfulness practices involve non-judgmental awareness of the present moment, including thoughts, sensations, and emotions. Together, these practices offer individuals powerful tools for harnessing the mind-body connection and supporting their health and wellness.

Some examples of specific guided imagery techniques include imagining oneself in a peaceful garden, visualizing a warm ray of sunlight enveloping the body, or picturing a serene beach scene with the sound of waves crashing. These techniques aim to create a sensory-rich experience that promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and enhances overall well-being.


How can Hypnosis and Guided Imagery support brain health?

Both hypnosis and guided imagery offer numerous benefits in supporting brain health.

1. Stress Reduction

Excessive stress can have detrimental effects on cognitive function and emotional well-being. Hypnosis and guided imagery can help manage stress by reducing cortisol, a stress hormone that can impact cognitive function. By promoting relaxation, these practices can help protect the brain from the negative effects of chronic stress.

2. Cognitive Function

There is evidence that hypnosis and guided imagery can improve cognitive function by stimulating different areas of the brain at the same time. These practices can enhance memory, attention, and creativity, making them a valuable tool for optimizing brain function. Additionally, guided imagery can help promote mental clarity and focus, making it easier to concentrate and solve problems.

3. Brain Injury and Recovery

Hypnosis and guided imagery have shown potential in supporting recovery from brain injuries. These practices can help manage post-concussion symptoms, promote neuroplasticity, and enhance overall brain function. By promoting relaxation, hypnosis can help reduce inflammation in the brain, which can contribute to brain injury recovery.

Hypnosis and guided imagery are two powerful tools that can be utilized to support brain health. By reducing stress, improving cognitive function, and aiding in brain recovery, these practices can contribute to overall well-being and mental fitness. Whether you schedule weekly visits with the TBH team or use your sessions to build your own daily practice, incorporating hypnosis or guided imagery into your daily routine could be a valuable step towards optimizing your brain health.

As always, if you would like to talk with one of our team members to learn more about any of the services we offer at Tailored Brain Health, reach out by phone or email at 336-542-1800 or And check out our new program, Blueprint, at or sending by sending an email to



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Sine H, Achbani A, Filali K. The Effect of Hypnosis on the Intensity of Pain and Anxiety in Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review of Controlled Experimental Trials. Cancer Invest. 2022 Mar;40(3):235-253. doi: 10.1080/07357907.2021.1998520. Epub 2021 Nov 26. PMID: 34698595.

Charalambous A, Giannakopoulou M, Bozas E, Paikousis L. A Randomized Controlled Trial for the Effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Guided Imagery as Anxiety Reducing Interventions in Breast and Prostate Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2015;2015:270876. doi: 10.1155/2015/270876. Epub 2015 Aug 6. PMID: 26347018; PMCID: PMC4545275.

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